Dr Adam J CIesielski

Dr. rer. nat.

Adam Ciesielski

I am a physicist, astronomer, and geoscientist. My primary focus is on gravity, tides, and tide-related phenomena. In my work, I do data analysis, digital signal processing, and high-performance computing. Additionally, I enjoy sharing my expertise through teaching and delivering public speeches whenever the opportunity arises.

My Alma Mater is Jagiellonian University (Krakow), and I received Doctoral degree magna cum laude in Physics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Different fields

Tides and tidal analysis

Geophysics and Geodesy

Astronomy and Physics

Last news

This is my FameLab talk in Karlsruhe, March 2023.

My personal webpage is still under construction.

Please feel welcome to visit it again in the last week of May.